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Pig Products

The relevance of a complete program.

In pig production, the Idena concepts are very innovative. In fact, instead of the 160-180 days of traditionally considered period to produce a pig, Idena prefers to work the concept of 300 days, considering that a large part of the performance of the fattening period is determined from the embryo physiological stage of production, hence the following nutritional specialty program :


FOLICO F in the sow feed from weaning to farrowing

The benefits and results of Folico F are expressed through:

  • An increase in the number of total borns.
  • An improvement of both the weight and homogeneity of the litter at birth.
  • A better vigor of piglets at birth.

Folico F, by working from the previous weaning, is a guarantee of technical and economical performances: less losses and better performances.


FORCIX SW (Sow) & FORCIX Piglet … Program, for the sow and its piglets

Forcix is a nutritional concept around farrowing. It is based on a combination of plant extracts and selected natural ingredients aiming for the reduction of intestinal dysbiosis from the first weeks of life of the animal.

Forcix effectively contributes in the management of the gut microbiota of sows and piglets. Forcix thus contributes in reducing digestive disorders in piglets, from birth until 15 days of age.

Forcix SW and Piglet benefit from the ECHV technology, a real know-how developed by IDENA for the protection of the active ingredients of natural essential oils.
The Forcix range of products is complete: it is available in powder for distribution in the sow’s feed around the farrowing period (GRCP), or in liquid for the sow before farrowing (Forcix SW), or directly for the piglet in its first days of life (Forcix piglet).


Digesta … The piglet program from the weaning phase

The Digesta range of products specifically targets digestive challenges happening during the post-weaning and beginning of fattening periods.

Digesta CO is a specialty formulated to strengthen the digestive balance threatened from the first weeks after weaning. It contributes effectively to the maintenance of a positive flora in combination with a feed for PIGLETS of 1st AGE without antibiotics.

Digesta SEC is a second specialty targeting digestive disorders associated with the second part of the post-weaning phase and the beginning of fattening. Its active ingredients target the maintenance of integrity to optimize growth. 

The formulation of Digesta CO and Digesta SEC is based on associations of plant extracts and essential oils and benefiting from ECHV technology.


The VALI PERF as an optimization lever for performances during growth & finishing periods

VALI PERF is a nutritional growth promotor, specialty focused to improve the digestibility of energy and protein sources of feeds.

VALI PERF improves zootechnical performances, opening up more economical fattening feed formulation.


The VALI MP specialty for a genuine carcass added value

VALI MP is a nutritional specialty that provides natural ingredients as well as specific metabolic precursors to optimize feed formulations during the fattening phase.

VALI MP has proven its effectiveness on females and especially on males, especially when the use of highly concentrated diets and a fortiori in ad libitum systems. It allows to improve the ADG with a better FCR.